Jubilee - Middle Ground

I worked as director of photography on 6 episodes of Jubilee’s series Middle Ground. We shot on the Canon C100’s in a sound stage in Downtown Los Angeles. Lighting was mostly 2 top lighting sources that lit the entire group of guests at once and two spotlights for the “step forward” segments.

Middle Ground - Should Moms Stay at Home?

Frame taken while camera operator on an episdoe of Middle Ground

Overhead lighting for the interview segments

MIDDLE GROUND explores whether two different groups of people, opposed in their beliefs, can come together empathetically and find middle ground.

Middle Ground - Trans vs. Conservative Men

The show consisted of a 4-camera setup with one camera wide on sticks and the other 3 operated during the filming of each episode

Director Dans Karagannis and Gaffer/Cam Op Tam Bantum checking the lighting with a scissor lift

Frame from the interview segments


Fun Wine


Signal Restoration